Thursday, April 19, 2012

Apocalypse, Alien

So this is a dream I had the other night:

The alien apocalypse arrives.

They disguise themselves as best they can... but because of my awesome spy skills, I realize something is a little bit off.

I, of course, come to the one and only conclusion that could possibly be possible.

There suddenly appeared a building made precisely for living through alien apocalypses... Apocalypsi?

Everyone rushed into the building. Several left their children behind. I made them go back outside and get them. Because I was in charge and everyone had to listen to me.

My ex- husband's arm made a guest appearance to give me an awesome gun. Then my ex- husband's arm disappeared and never reappeared for the rest of my dream.

Then this chick stops in the middle of the doors so no one could get past and just talks! What the heck!

So I pulled the gun on her. Don't worry, I know that's not really how you hold a gun. I just can't draw it right.

The aliens for some reason couldn't work the glass doors. So they left. But not before we had all settled down into our awesome rooms and they had the coolest beds ever.

One day, I'm going to save the world.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

So I Guess I'm Back. Or Something.

I've decided my blog needs a total makeover. It's kinda boring. So from now on, there will be more humor, and definitely more pictures! Made with that Microsoft Paint program thingy. 

Here is an example of a picture. I am probably the best artist ever, except for my sister, who is way better than me. She's better than you, too.

So anyway, I don't really feel like continuing my story at this moment. I will do that later. Really all I feel like is drawing pictures. But I'm going to do something different with my blog setup... So I'm gonna do that. And then maybe draw pictures of my dream from last night.